How to Make Chatgpt Write Like Human – Prompt with 300+ Words & Phrases to Avoid

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Written By Alston Antony

Created 10k plus community of business owners and helped thosands of digital business transformations.

I’ve been using ChatGPT for a while now. I noticed some words and phrases get repeated.

This can make the content sound robotic at times. It can also make it overly dramatic.

The biggest issue is that it can get the content flagged as AI-generated.

Most of us aim to mimic human-like writing when using AI. We don’t want our content to be detected.

We use advanced prompts and try various techniques.

One effective approach is to avoid ChatGPT’s overused words. ChatGPT claims it doesn’t have preferred words.

However, power users have noticed patterns in online discussions.

When generating content, you’ll see the same words repeated.

These might not be words we use in regular conversations. In this video, I’m sharing a list of words and phrases ChatGPT tends to overuse.

You can ask it to avoid these to make your content more human-like.

ChatGPT’s List of Overused Words and Phrases

I’ve put together this list based on my experience and research. It includes discussions from various online communities and resources. I’ve also considered findings from AI content detectors.

You can find the full list in my article on The link is in the description below. Click on “favorite words” to see the words ChatGPT uses most often.

Note that this isn’t a definitive list. Some words might seem normal to you. Feel free to remove any that you think are fine. The list contains around 283 words based on my compilation and experience.

ChatGPT’s Favourite Overused Words

Here are some of ChatGPT’s most overused words:

  • Excitingly
  • Amazing
  • Remarkable
  • Revolutionize
  • Transformative
  • Groundbreaking
  • Rapid
  • Rapidly
  • Cutting-Edge
  • Significantly
  • Advancement
  • Aims
  • Becomes
  • Behind
  • Breaking
  • Breakthrough
  • Bringing
  • By
  • Capturing
  • Continue
  • Continues
  • Crucial
  • Crucially
  • Drive
  • Encompasses
  • Enhancement
  • Ensures
  • Essential
  • Excitement
  • Exciting
  • Expanded
  • Expect
  • Exploration
  • Explore
  • Exploring
  • Foster
  • Future
  • Have
  • Hold
  • Implications
  • Improved
  • In
  • Innovative
  • Intrinsic
  • It
  • Latest
  • Let’s
  • Main
  • Make
  • Mark
  • Mind-boggling
  • More
  • Navigate
  • Notably
  • One
  • Only
  • Opens
  • Paving
  • Possibilities
  • Potentially
  • Push
  • Raise
  • Redefine
  • Renowned
  • Represent
  • Represents
  • Revolutionizing
  • Risks
  • Seeking
  • Significant
  • The
  • There
  • Truly
  • Uncover
  • Understanding
  • Unleashing
  • Unlocking
  • Unraveling
  • We
  • Welcome
  • What
  • What’s
  • With
  • Actually
  • Additionally
  • However
  • Furthermore
  • Therefore
  • Consequently
  • Particularly
  • Importantly
  • Essentially
  • Indeed
  • Overall
  • Typically
  • Generally
  • Specifically
  • Clearly
  • Obviously
  • Moreover
  • Thus
  • Likewise
  • Similarly
  • Also
  • Because
  • Since
  • Despite
  • While
  • Whereas
  • Hence
  • Ultimately
  • Commonly
  • Usually
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently
  • Regularly
  • Periodically
  • Customarily
  • Conversely
  • Subsequently
  • Nevertheless
  • Utilize
  • Indicate
  • Demonstrate
  • Facilitate
  • Comprise
  • Pertinent
  • Optimal
  • Efficacious
  • Predominantly
  • Substantial
  • Implement
  • Integrate
  • Contextualize
  • Elucidate
  • Articulate
  • Correspondingly
  • Cumulatively
  • Substantiate
  • Iterative
  • Proactive
  • Paradigm
  • Synergy
  • Benchmark
  • Leverage
  • Holistic
  • Intersection
  • Enable
  • World
  • Turbocharge
  • Sphere
  • Resonate
  • Sector
  • Beacon
  • Mere
  • Remember
  • Bastion
  • Zeitgeist
  • Unlock
  • Embody
  • Soak
  • Indulge
  • Relax
  • Meticulously
  • Manifest
  • Delineate
  • Amplify
  • Synthesize
  • Harmonize
  • Unveil
  • Mastering
  • Boasts
  • Emerge
  • Underscore
  • Immerse
  • Intriguing
  • Conceptualize
  • Innovate
  • Permeate
  • Galvanize
  • Illuminate
  • Encompass
  • Pioneer
  • Cultivate
  • Transcend
  • Empower
  • Bespoke
  • Endeavor
  • Journey
  • Bask
  • Unleash
  • Crafting
  • Escape
  • Discover
  • Tailored
  • Diving
  • Expanding
  • Bustling
  • Testament
  • Remnant
  • Deep
  • Robust
  • Reverberate
  • Dynamic
  • Prompty
  • Daunting
  • Power
  • Metropolis
  • Vital
  • Keen
  • Fancy
  • Labyrinth
  • Gossamer
  • Enigma
  • Indelible
  • Hey
  • Firstly
  • Sights
  • Sounds
  • Aesthetic
  • Seamlessly
  • Illustrious
  • Unwavering
  • Invaluable
  • Relentless
  • Enlightening
  • Esteemed
  • Folks
  • Pivotal
  • Adhere
  • Certainly
  • Ethos
  • Wander
  • Roam
  • Grapple
  • Astonishing
  • Mystery
  • Wonders
  • Dynamics
  • Vulnerable
  • Vulnerability
  • Form
  • Figure
  • Interactions
  • Physique
  • Critical
  • Paramount
  • Insightful
  • Compelling
  • Persuasive
  • Engaging
  • Captivating
  • Thought-provoking
  • Informative
  • Entertaining
  • Enriching
  • Illuminating
  • Provocative
  • Evocative
  • Stimulating
  • Riveting
  • Nuanced
  • Exquisite
  • Exemplary
  • Inspiring
  • Empowering
  • Authentic
  • Authenticity
  • Enthralling
  • Ingenious
  • Paradigm-shifting
  • Poignant
  • Visionary
  • Profound
  • Impactful
  • Introspective
  • Lucid
  • Empathetic
  • Thoughtful
  • Discerning
  • Inspirational
  • Engrossing

ChatGPT’s Favourite Overused Phrases

In addition to words, ChatGPT also overuses certain phrases:

  • Revolutionize the Way
  • Transformative Power
  • Groundbreaking Advancement
  • In Conclusion
  • Rapid Pace of Development
  • Only Time Will Tell
  • Bringing Us One Step Closer
  • Push the Boundaries, Paving the Way
  • Advancement in the realm
  • Aims to bridge
  • Aims to democratize
  • Aims to foster innovation and collaboration
  • Becomes increasingly evident
  • Behind the Veil
  • Breaking barriers
  • Breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the way
  • Bringing us
  • Bringing us closer to a future
  • By combining the capabilities
  • By harnessing the power
  • Capturing the attention
  • Continue to advance
  • Continue to make significant strides
  • Continue to push the boundaries
  • Crucial to be mindful
  • Exciting opportunities
  • Exciting possibilities
  • Exciting times lie ahead as we unlock the potential of
  • Expect to witness transformative breakthroughs
  • Expect to witness transformative breakthroughs in their capabilities
  • Explore the fascinating world
  • Exploring new frontiers
  • Exploring this avenue
  • Foster the development
  • Future might see us placing
  • Groundbreaking way
  • Have come a long way in recent years
  • Hold promise
  • Implications are profound
  • Improved efficiency in countless ways
  • In the fast-paced world
  • It discovered an intriguing approach
  • It remains to be seen
  • It serves as a stepping stone towards the realization
  • Latest breakthrough signifies
  • Latest offering
  • Let’s delve into the exciting details
  • Main message to take away
  • Make informed decisions
  • Mark a significant step forward
  • Mind-boggling figure
  • More robust evaluation
  • Navigate the landscape
  • One step closer
  • One thing is clear
  • Opens up exciting possibilities
  • Paving the way for enhanced performance
  • Possibilities are endless
  • Potentially revolutionizing the way
  • Raise fairness concerns
  • Raise intriguing questions
  • Remarkable abilities
  • Remarkable breakthrough
  • Remarkable proficiency
  • Remarkable success
  • Remarkable tool
  • Represent a major milestone
  • Represents a significant milestone in the field
  • Risks of drawing unsupported conclusions
  • Seeking trustworthiness
  • Significant step forward
  • Significant strides
  • The necessity of clear understanding
  • There is still room for improvement
  • Uncover hidden trends
  • Understanding of the capabilities
  • Unleashing the potential
  • Unlocking the power
  • We can improve understanding and decision-making
  • Welcome your thoughts
  • What sets this apart
  • With the introduction
  • For example
  • For instance
  • As such
  • In essence
  • Drawing from
  • In the realm of
  • Our times
  • Garden of
  • Navigate the nuances
  • Dive into a curated selection of
  • Embarking on
  • The world of
  • In today’s digital age
  • Game changer
  • Designed to enhance
  • It is advisable
  • So go ahead
  • Unveil the secrets
  • It’s important to note
  • Delve into
  • Take a dive into
  • On the other hand
  • As previously mentioned
  • It’s worth noting that
  • To summarize
  • Master the art of
  • In summary
  • A testament to
  • In the dynamic world of
  • A tapestry of
  • Embark on a journey
  • A treasure trove of
  • When it comes to
  • Unlock the secrets
  • Unveil the secrets
  • In order to
  • Even if
  • My friend
  • Sights unseen
  • Sounds unheard
  • Due to the fact that
  • Let’s uncover
  • Let’s delve in
  • It’s worth mentioning that
  • It’s important to note that
  • A couple
  • It is important to note that
  • In this article
  • Step back in time
  • Lose yourself
  • Step into
  • In the realm of
  • Adhere to

The full list has around 335 phrases to avoid. These phrases might not always be relevant to the content. ChatGPT uses them to make the writing sound more dramatic. We generally want to avoid that.

Using the List in Your ChatGPT Prompts

Here’s how you can use these lists in your prompts. You can include guidelines like:

“When generating the content, follow this guideline: If you find any words or phrases from this list, avoid them and rewrite using different wording.”

Or use a prompt like:

“Please avoid these words and phrases in your output text: [insert list here]”

Give these prompts a try and see how the content sounds. Does it read more easily? Does it seem more human-like? Let me know your feedback in the comments!

And if you have any other suggestions, feel free to share those as well. I’m always looking to improve and learn from the community.

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