Gamma AI – AI Presentation & Slides For SMB

What is it? AI-powered platform for content creation and presentations with templates, real-time collaboration, and advanced analytics.

AI Categories: Graphic Design

Supported Platform(s): Web App

Pricing Model: Freemium

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Hey there, small business owners! Are you sick of spending hours on presentations that don’t wow your audience?

Well, I’ve got some good news for you.

Let’s talk about Gamma, a cool new tool that’ll help you tell your story better and make people remember what you’re saying.

What Can Gamma Do?

Smart Content Helper

Gamma looks at what you put in and helps you come up with great stuff to say. It’s like having a super-smart friend who knows just what you need. This means you can make awesome presentations without hiring a whole team to do it.

Cool-Looking Templates

Pick from lots of different designs that fit what you need. They change to match what you’re saying, so your presentations look great and show off your brand.

Work Together, No Matter Where You Are

You and your team can work on the same thing at the same time, even if you’re not in the same place. It’s perfect if some of your people work from home or are in different cities.

Make It Come Alive

Get people interested with charts and pictures that move. Gamma lets you make presentations that change when people click on them. It makes your info more fun to look at and helps people remember it better.

Easy Prettying Up

No more spending forever making things look nice. Gamma fixes up how everything looks all by itself. It saves you time and makes sure all your stuff looks the same.

How Gamma Helped Sarah’s Business

Let me tell you about Sarah. She runs a small company that helps other businesses with their online ads. She was having trouble getting new customers because her presentations weren’t very exciting. Then she found Gamma and decided to try it out.

Gamma helped Sarah quickly write down what her company does and show off their best work. It gave her ideas for cool ways to show her numbers and tell her company’s story. She picked a design that matched her company’s style, and it looked really professional in no time.

When Sarah went to meet a possible new customer, she used Gamma to show off her work. The customer loved how they could click on things and see the numbers change. Sarah felt really good about showing what her company could do.

After the meeting, Sarah and her team, who work in different places, used Gamma to make some quick changes based on what the customer said. And guess what? Sarah’s company got the job! Gamma helped her save time and make better presentations, which made her small business stand out.


Gamma has a bunch of cool features that can really help you make better presentations. But you should think about whether it’s right for your business and how you work. There are lots of other tools out there that might work for you too.

Why don’t you give Gamma a try and see how it works for you? And we’d love to hear what you think about it. Tell us in the comments below!

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